Wednesday, January 8, 2025

My 1.7.25 Meeting Summary

Last night the Council met to discuss and take action on several significant items.  

With the new Council being seated last meeting, these actions were primarily administrative in nature and intended to increase the overall efficiency of our meetings, reduce the administrative burden on staff, and add clarity for the public.  The overall theme of our actions was to look at items that aren't designed for discussion and move those items to a written format.  

By having things in writing, rather than just verbally stated, it provides a clear report of actions taken and thoughts expressed.  This also makes it more accessible to the public - rather than having to watch extensive video to obtain information, more will be in writing which can be easier to consume.

The first action we took was to cease the taking of remote public comments.  Over the past several years, the practice of taking remote public comments has ebbed and flowed at various municipalities.  In some instances, this ability has been used to berate, curse at, or attempt to derail Council meetings.   In other instances, technical or user challenges has come into play and impacted the meetings as well.  

We will continue to live stream our meetings, and people will be able to make comment in person at the meetings themselves.  In addition, as our agendas are posted  in advance, anyone is able to submit public comment in writing prior to each meeting.  These submissions are sent to each Councilmember and included in the public record.  By ceasing the taking of remote public comments, our meetings will be more efficient overall for both the Council and the staff.

There is often confusion as to the purpose of our meetings and the place of public comments.  Council meetings are designed so that Council can discuss among ourselves and conduct the business of the City.  It is not, and cannot be a dialogue between Councilmembers and members of the public.  Our meetings are open to the public and recorded so that the business of the City is conducted transparently, not to hold a dialogue between the full Council and members of the audience.  We are restricted in our ability to respond to public comment in general, so much of the time when a comment is made, there may be an expectation that Councilmembers respond, however this often leads to disappointment or confusion.  

This is one of the main reasons I try to inform the public of what is going to be discussed prior to any meeting - to provide residents with an opportunity for such a dialogue, or to share their thoughts.  I have been writing a pre-meeting introduction and post-meeting summary for each meeting since first being elected in 2018.

We also updated our Council guidelines.  These guidelines document how the Council operates and it gets refreshed from time to time.  The updates were non-substantive and were administrative in nature.  We clarified the order of the meetings, and consistent with the overall theme shifted items that aren't up for discussion to being in writing.  This will result in more efficient meetings as well as provide additional clarity to the public.  

We also discussed and approved City Council committee assignments for the year.  A list of these assignments can be found in the minutes.

There is quite a bit of work that needs to be done - from addressing staffing vacancies, to tightening up our budget analysis, and all the regular activities of the City.  It is my goal to do the people's business in the most efficient and effective manner and reduce the administrative burden on staff where possible.  The actions we took at this meeting will further that goal.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Upcoming Meeting 1.7.25

I hope everyone had a restful holiday season.  Our first meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, 1.7.25 and we will be discussing several significant items:

- We will discuss whether to continue the use of hybrid meetings that allow remote participants to offer public comment during meetings.  We discussed this item at our 11.7.23 meeting and at that time the Council did not take any action.  We are revisiting this item for similar reasons that were raised at the time, and in an effort to reduce administrative burden on staff.

- We will discuss updates to the City Council guidelines and procedures.  This was last discussed at our 5.2.23 meeting.  It is fairly routine that the guidelines are updated to reflect the desires of the current council and it is important that these guidelines be written for clarity.  The proposed changes reflect an update to the regular agenda order.  There is also clarity added around how things are agendized, though there is no substantive change in that regard.  In addition, in an effort to provide more transparency and reduce staff administrative burden, the proposal contemplates that council reports shall be provided in writing to be included in the minutes of each meeting.

- We will discuss City Council Committees and assignments for standing and ad-choc committees and liaison positions.

If you have any thoughts or questions on the above, please let me know.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

My 12.17.24 Meeting Summary

Last night the Council met to discuss several significant items:

Before we took any action, the Mayor on behalf of the City and Council, presented Kent Ipsen with a proclamation honoring the 50th anniversary of the opening of Skipolini's.  A fixture in downtown Clayton has expanded its footprint over the years and with that expansion has seen great success.  Mr. Ipsen shared the story of how his father, Skip Ipsen decided to open a pizza restaurant and it was really moving.  I encourage everyone to watch his comments at the 11:18 mark of the recorded video at the city website.

Mr. Ipsen has done so much for the Clayton community - as a more private person he is often not out front and may not even be recognized by everyone while walking downtown.  But the City of Clayton recognized Kent Ipsen, and will continue to do so as his support of the community, his charitable activities, and his love of this town cannot be missed.  

It was also fitting that Ed Moresi was in attendance to support Mr. Ipsen.  Ed was honored earlier this year in recognition of Ed's 30th anniversary as well. In his comments, Mr. Ipsen recognized Mr. Moresi as Ed was his manager at Skipolini's when Kent worked at the family restaurant as a young man.  Mr. Ipsen gives a lot of credit to Ed for his guidance and support.  

- We appointed Donald Mort, a retired CalPERS annuitant as our Interim Chief of Police while the City conducts a recruitment effort for the next full time Chief.  Chief Mort is an experienced law enforcement executive and retired Chief of Police, with extensive experience in leadership roles in the City of Concord, as well as other jurisdictions within California.

- We discussed extending the professional services agreement with 4LEAF to provide code enforcement services.  The proposal was not to exceed $100K for one year, providing service up to 2 days per week at a rate of $108/hour.  During discussion, Council gave feedback that this rate seemed excessive, and that it would be more valuable to include discussion of this role with the overall org design discussion that we will have next year.  Historically Clayton has taken the approach for code enforcement to be complaint driven.  This allowed those who fulfilled the code enforcement role to take on other duties.  Council expressed interest in looking at ways that we could fill this role while simultaneously filling other roles in the City.  This is consistent with the discussion we had during our 11.19.24 meeting - when looking at staff positions, roles, and compensation, it makes more sense to discuss it holistically rather than make decisions on a piecemeal basis.

- The swearing in ceremony for new and re-elected Councilmembers was performed and the City welcomed Rich G. Enea to the Council, and welcomed back Councilmembers Diaz and Tillman.  Upon the seating of the new Council, for the next year, Councilmember Trupiano was appointed Mayor and I was appointed Vice Mayor.  I look forward to working with Mayor Trupiano, and the rest of Council and staff in supporting the actions Mayor Trupiano will be spearheading.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Upcoming Meeting 12.17.24

At our next meeting, we will be discussing several significant items:

- We will discuss the appointment of a retired PERS annuitant to be our Interim Police Chief while the City conducts a recruitment for a permanent Police Chief.

- We will discuss an agreement with 4Leaf for code enforcement services.

We will also have our newly elected Councilmember, Rich Enea, Sr. sworn in followed by the annual reorganization of the Council Mayor and Vice Mayor positions.

If you have any thoughts or questions on the above, please let me know.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

My 11.19.24 Meeting Summary

On Tuesday night the Council met to discuss a few significant items:

- We approved the installation of a plaque in memory of Bob Hoyer in the Grove Park.  As our first Mayor, Bob Hoyer was instrumental in the City's incorporation.  Even after leaving city government after four terms, Mr. Hoyer continued to work towards establishing a downtown park and what is now the Grove.  It is only fitting that a tribute to Mr. Hoyer be placed in the Grove for all to appreciate.

- We authorized painting and flooring work in City Hall.  The work will take place starting the week of December 16 and City Hall will be closed to the public during that time and through the holidays.  This is a regular maintenance item that hasn't been done in many many years.

- We had a lengthy discussion about the organizational structure of City staff, the potential of adding new positions, and eliminating certain positions that were no longer needed.  On balance, the proposal advanced by staff called for an addition of two FTEs.  This proposal would be largely flat from a financial perspective in FY25, and increase the FY26 spend by approximately $130K.

I appreciated and supported the new org structure.  It reduced the instances of a management position having only one person reporting to them.  A siloed vertical structure that we currently have can be inefficient.  

When the Council approved changes to the org structure earlier in the year, we did so with the intent of reducing the number of high level management positions, and increasing the number of staff level positions.  In a small city like Clayton, we often need more people to be hands on doing work, rather than more administration managing.  The newly proposed org structure reflects this.

And while I support the new org structure overall, there were a few items included where the work assessing the demand and level of those positions was still in flight.  Ultimately the Council took no action but instead gave feedback to staff on what level of analysis we would like to see regarding job duties and level for example, as well as some modifications that were identified.

We asked staff to come back with updated recommendations.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Upcoming Meeting 11.19.24

At our next Council meeting, we will be discussing several significant items:

- We will discuss the installation of a Bronze Plaque in memory of Bob Hoyer at the Grove Park.

- We will discuss flooring and painting maintenance items at City Hall.

- We will discuss the overall organizational structure of City staff, with a proposal for a reorganization including some new positions and removing some existing positions.

The current org chart is here:

The proposed org chart is here:

If you have any thoughts or questions on the above, please let me know.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My 10.15.24 Meeting Summary

Last night the Council met to discuss a few significant items:

- We appointed Amit Prayag as Clayton's representative to the Contra Costa Library Commission.  Mr. Prayag is well qualified and has volunteered to serve in this capacity to complete the remaining 3 year term.  The City thanks Jackie Ferree for her service and for continuing on beyond her term while the City found a replacement.

- We designated Councilmember Tillman to represent Clayton at the annual League of California Cities annual conference.  Councilmember Tillman will vote on the one resolution before the League which encourages the Governor and state Legislature to adopt rules that do not exempt themselves from open meeting laws that apply to County and local governments.  The City took a position in favor of the League resolution.

- We ratified the engagement letter of the City's new financial auditors, Chavan and Associates.

This was the last Council meeting prior to the November 5 election.  For County information on voter registration, see here: