For everyone that already signed up to receive a yard sign, Thank you! I'll be dropping them off after work throughout the week. While signs don't vote, they are a great way to get the word out about my campaign. Sharing and liking posts on Facebook, Nextdoor, and social media and talking with your local friends and neighbors are the best ways to spread the word.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Yard Signs Are Here!
For everyone that already signed up to receive a yard sign, Thank you! I'll be dropping them off after work throughout the week. While signs don't vote, they are a great way to get the word out about my campaign. Sharing and liking posts on Facebook, Nextdoor, and social media and talking with your local friends and neighbors are the best ways to spread the word.
Monday, August 29, 2022
My Key Issues in 2022
So why am I running for re-election and what do I want to do as a member of the Council? I still feel that I can make a difference. My priorities haven't changed all that much, though they have been refined:
Public Safety – Nothing is more important and I’m grateful that we live in a town that is able to enjoy our parks and trails, have kids able to walk and play, and have a community that comes together to support one another. I’m proud to have lead efforts to bolster traffic and pedestrian safety around our schools – negotiating for an additional crossing guard at the elementary school and updating the crosswalk and interactive traffic signals outside the middle school – both at the request of the schools themselves. I’m proud to support our police and the fine work they do and I will continue to support them even through the fiscal challenges the city faces.
Quality of life – We all came to Clayton for different reasons, but high among the list is the great qualify of life that is afforded to us. This means maintaining property values, keeping our schools desirable, and maintain the wonderful amenities available like our trails and parks. As we face financial challenges, we need to prioritize the things that add the most value, be more efficient with our resources, and really assess what is important to focus on and what is not. There are many areas that we can make changes to in order to preserve the great quality of life we all enjoy, while being more responsible with the resources we have.
Fiscal Sustainability – Deficit spending should be reserved for extraordinary times. As a city we need to live within our means. Before any tax increase is considered, the city should do everything in its power to reduce expenses and increase efficiencies – raising taxes should be an absolute last resort. Properly prioritizing means using the limited resources of the city in the most efficient and effective way possible. There are many areas that we can make changes to in order to preserve the great quality of life we all enjoy, while being more responsible with the resources we have.
Thursday, August 18, 2022
I'm Running for Re-Election This November
It has been a great experience meeting and talking to folks around town and doing my best to represent my fellow Claytonians. While I am only one of five Councilmembers, I’m proud to have shepherded quality of life improvements at Regency and Rialto, improvements to traffic and pedestrian safety near our schools, and helped increase transparency in communications and community engagement. I am running for re-election to ensure the Council listens to the residents they represent and to preserve the character and charm of our city. We need strong organizational leadership for Clayton to continue to be a wonderful place to live and raise a family.
Currently the city’s biggest challenge is fiscal sustainability. This Council has refused to make any cuts to address our budget shortfalls. Choosing deficit spending rather than reducing expenditures has exacerbated the problem. If we do not reduce our expenses the majority on the Council will try to raise your taxes.
We need solutions that address our structural issues without increasing the tax burden on our residents. If elected, I hope the people of Clayton allow me to use my voice and experience in private industry to make the changes needed to balance our budget while continuing to provide the services that make Clayton a wonderful place to live and raise a family.