Monday, September 30, 2024

Upcoming Meeting 10.1.24

At our next meeting we will be discussing one significant item:

- A discussion on whether to create a City Flag.

If you have thoughts or questions on the above, please let me know.

Friday, September 20, 2024

My 9.17.24 Meeting Summary

On Tuesday, the Council met in regular session.  Though there were no public hearings or action items, we did discuss a few items:

The City presented a check to the Mt. Diablo Elementary PFC in the amount of $6,258.38.  

This year, the City Sponsored Special Events Committee consisting of myself and Vice Mayor Trupiano, had the idea of partnering with the PFC to collect donations at our annual Concerts in the Grove series.  Each year the City sponsors concerts and during those concerts the City has traditionally asked for donations in order to support the cost of the events.  Rather than have City staff and Councilmembers collect these funds, we asked if the PFC would like to help out, and in exchange we would share any of the monies donated.

It was a great success and I look forward to continued opportunities to partner with our local schools.

This was also the first meeting that our new City Manager, Kris Lofthus was present.  He started the day before, and I am excited to work with him as the City continues to move forward.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Upcoming Meeting 9.17.24

At our next Council meeting on Tuesday, there are no action items or public hearings.  

- We will be recognizing the Mt. Diablo Elementary PFC for their efforts in helping fundraise during the summer Concerts in the Grove series.

- It will also be the first meeting that our new full time City Manager, Kris Lofthus, joins in his new role.

If you have any thoughts or questions on the above, please let me know.