Public Safety – Nothing is more important and I’m grateful
that we live in a town that is able to enjoy our parks and trails, have kids able
to walk and play, and have a community that comes together to support one
another. I’m proud to have lead efforts
to bolster traffic and pedestrian safety around our schools – negotiating for an
additional crossing guard at the elementary school and updating the crosswalk and
interactive traffic signals outside the middle school – both at the request of
the schools themselves. I’m proud to
support our police and the fine work they do and I will continue to support them
even through the fiscal challenges the city faces.
Quality of life – We all came to Clayton for different
reasons, but high among the list is the great qualify of life that is afforded
to us. This means maintaining property
values, keeping our schools desirable, and maintain the wonderful amenities available
like our trails and parks. As we face
financial challenges, we need to prioritize the things that add the most value,
be more efficient with our resources, and really assess what is important to
focus on and what is not. There are many
areas that we can make changes to in order to preserve the great quality of
life we all enjoy, while being more responsible with the resources we have.
Fiscal Sustainability – Deficit spending should be reserved for extraordinary times. As a city we need to live within our means. Before any tax increase is considered, the city should do everything in its power to reduce expenses and increase efficiencies – raising taxes should be an absolute last resort. Properly prioritizing means using the limited resources of the city in the most efficient and effective way possible. There are many areas that we can make changes to in order to preserve the great quality of life we all enjoy, while being more responsible with the resources we have.
Transparency in Government – People should understand why
their representatives vote the way they do.
Unfortunately the city has become less transparent over the past four
years – the minutes for meetings do not convey the rationale for what actually happened, and most members of the Council only rarely publicly share their views on why they took certain actions. Instead, people are forced to watch hours long videos in order to hear the thoughts of their representatives. That is why communication is such a key part of my campaign. With today’s technology, those who are charged with governance should meet the people where they are, and provide as many means for communication as possible. I have and will continue to commit to providing summaries and commentary for every meeting and significant action this council takes. It is critical for an engaged community to be able to understand what is happening, ask questions, and expect answers.