The next Council meeting on 1.4.22 has a few significant items on the agenda:
- The annual reorganization of the Council's standing committee assignments
- A discussion of "hero pay". At our last council meeting I requested that this item be brought forward in recognition of the work that our police and city staff had done throughout the pandemic. Our initial focus with ARPA funding was to benefit our local businesses and residents that had been impacted by COVID-19. As we quickly rolled out that program, the next immediate focus was our own police and city staff. It does appear that we will have funds from the 1st tranche of ARPA funding so I'm hopeful we can do something to recognize the work put in by our police and city staff.
- There will also be a presentation regarding progress on the 6th Cycle Housing Element update where we discuss the results of various meetings and surveys, as well as potential opportunity sites for zoning the required additional housing units that the state has forced cities to adopt.
- In addition, there is a change order request on the consent calendar regarding the Clayton Curb Ramp Improvement Project. This was undertaken in 2021 to repair and adjust certain curbs within the city to be compliant with ADA requirements. The original project was budgeted at approximately $354K, however with new estimates that amount is projected to rise to approximately $498K - an increase of 41%. The increase is due to observations of unsafe conditions near where the original work was being performed. The additional funds will be pulled from the Neighborhood Pavement Preservation Project (roads within the city).
If you have any questions or thoughts on the above, please let me know.