If you have thoughts or questions regarding the above, please let me know.
Monday, October 31, 2022
Upcoming Council Meeting 11.1.22
If you have thoughts or questions regarding the above, please let me know.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
A Lack of Leadership and Gaps to Fill
In the four years I’ve been a member of this Council, I’ve been in the minority on a number of issues. It’s time to change that. Because if we continue down this path, with our leaders more interested in attending gatherings and going to meetings with no discernable outcome, rather than focusing on basic operations like maintaining a schedule of maintenance activities, or balancing the budget – then we as a city will continue to hemorrhage good people and city operations will suffer.
After November, the newly constituted Council will be tasked with rebuilding these critical staff positions. Now more than ever we need strong leadership to guide the city and staff in both the hiring and onboarding of new personnel. It will be paramount to have Councilmembers who have experience in hiring staff and building and managing teams.
While I started my career as a governmental auditor, I’ve been a people leader for over 20 years. As Vice President and Controller of a multi-billion dollar company, I have extensive experience in managing budgets and finding and retaining talent - from entry level positions to Directors, in office personnel and remote workers. Having this experience will be critical as we rebuild the team at City Hall.
This is why it is so important that our former Finance Director, Police Chief, and the Police Officers Association representing all of our police have all endorsed me in this election. These are folks that are NOT politicians, but they have deep and recent knowledge of city operations. They have first hand experience working with me and want to continue working with me and in each case I have gained the support of city staff – something critically important as we move forward.
Election day is November 8. I’m asking for your support and your vote.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Issues of Substance and Policy
Laying off our police and using the Sheriff's Department would yield a higher cost, and a reduced level of services and would be a detriment to public safety in Clayton. This is part of the reason why the Clayton Police Officers Association endorsed me and not Mr. Miller.
“Upon a showing of good cause therefor, the Planning Commission may extend the
period of a permit in which it is to be exercised, used or established, for a maximum
of twelve (12) months at a time or as otherwise specified on the permit.”
Friday, October 21, 2022
October 24 is the Last Day to Register to Vote
If you have not yet registered to vote for the November 8 election, the last day to do so is October 24. You can check your registration status here: https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov/
To register to vote, you can do so online here: https://registertovote.ca.gov/. Then vote for me and Kim Trupiano. www.kimforclayton.com
Thursday, October 20, 2022
On Flyers, Attacks, and Civility
While I support everyone’s right to express themselves in whatever manner they see fit, at times that occurs in ways that I personally do not approve of. To be clear, I do not condone or support these tactics.
My goal throughout this campaign has been to be as clear as possible regarding my positions and how we should move forward as a city. This is why I write in detail at my campaign website. My preference is that residents support candidates of their choosing that best represents their interests. If that is me, then that is fantastic. If it is not, I respect people’s choices and that is the process. I wish all the candidates the best of luck this November.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
10.18.22 Meeting Summary and My Candidate Comments
Monday, October 17, 2022
Upcoming Council Meeting 10.18.22
- Consider executing contract with Climatec. This would be a consulting agreement for Climatec to do an assessment of where the city could save money by implementing various energy conservation improvements. The agreement calls for two phases - the first would be a review and assessment. There is no cost to the first phase. If there are areas of improvement identified in phase 1, then phase 2 may commence upon authorization from Council to do the identified projects. Phase 2 work would be a cost plus basis. Only projects that would meet the marginal ROI necessary would be approved.
This may sound familiar as we were on deck to engage in this work back in December 2020, however due to timing with coordination with the City of Concord we tabled the issue until now.
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Raising Taxes and Counting to Two
Friday, October 14, 2022
Ed Miller's Loose Relationship With Facts
"“Upon a showing of good cause therefor, the Planning Commission may extend the
period of a permit in which it is to be exercised, used or established, for a maximum
of twelve (12) months at a time or as otherwise specified on the permit.”
The municipal code clearly places the burden on the one seeking the extension - but Miller claims he could find no reason to deny. That is a misunderstanding of where the burden lies. Further, there is no standard by which "good cause" is defined. Here the City may define what is sufficient to constitute good cause and unfortunately for Miller and the rest of Clayton, he didn't take the time to understand the law.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Yard Signs All Distributed - Other Ways to Help
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Candidate Forum Recap and Another Endorsement
Last night all four candidates for the two open Council seats participated in a forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley, AAUW of Clayton, the CBCA, the Clayton Community Library Foundation, and the Clayton Garden Club. I’m grateful to these organizations for hosting this important event.
Because of time constraints, candidates were limited to one minute for each response and many questions were actually several questions combined. I have written extensively on many of the items raised and will do so more in the future so I encourage everyone to visit my website at jeffwanforclaytoncitycouncil.net to learn more.
While other candidates touted their experience working in government, only Kim Trupiano talked about actually being responsible for a budget, or managing teams. Experience in these areas will be critical as we move forward. As a CPA, and Vice President and Controller of a multi-billion dollar company, I have extensive experience being responsible for budgets, projects, and teams. There will always be new things to spend money on but being a fiscal steward means prioritizing competing needs with the resources available.
It is certain that city finances will be a key issue to
be addressed in the near term. Recently I
spoke with Paul Rodrigues. Paul is also
a CPA, and Clayton’s former Finance Director.
He took an opportunity last year to use his talents as the Finance
Director for the City of Pittsburgh. Paul
has strongly endorsed my campaign, saying that I have been spot on with my
financial analysis and concerns, going on to say that I am the only Councilmember
who truly understands the finances of the City of Clayton.
Our former Finance Director, Chief of Police, and the Clayton Police Officers Association representing all of our police have now endorsed my campaign. These are individuals that have deep knowledge of our city and understand its challenges, have seen my work, and recognize that advancing my ideas will help Clayton move forward. I’m grateful for their support.
Ballots have been mailed and should be received soon. I humbly ask for your support and your vote so that I can continue leading Clayton on the path forward.