- Consider executing contract with Climatec. This would be a consulting agreement for Climatec to do an assessment of where the city could save money by implementing various energy conservation improvements. The agreement calls for two phases - the first would be a review and assessment. There is no cost to the first phase. If there are areas of improvement identified in phase 1, then phase 2 may commence upon authorization from Council to do the identified projects. Phase 2 work would be a cost plus basis. Only projects that would meet the marginal ROI necessary would be approved.
This may sound familiar as we were on deck to engage in this work back in December 2020, however due to timing with coordination with the City of Concord we tabled the issue until now.
- We will discuss forming a Financial Sustainability Committee. In the current recommendation, the membership requirements are as follows:
Five Clayton residents as voting members,
appointed by the City Council. All members shall possess a background in finance,
accounting auditing or related field. Membership shall include at a minimum: (a). One member with experience in governmental accounting (b). One member with experience in governmental finance and/or budgeting (c). One member with experience in auditing.
The duties of this committee will be to make recommendations to the City Manager, Budget & Audit Subcommittee and the City Council. This will include reviewing the annual budget, attending various related meetings, potential use of reserve funds, and overall expenditures and revenues.
If you have any thoughts or questions on the above, please let me know.