Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Upcoming City Council Meeting 8.20.19

In an effort to provide more time to read agendas and prepare questions in advance, the city is attempting to publish agendas for City Council meetings approximately 1 week in advance, instead of the Friday prior to the Tuesday meetings.  A few significant items are on the agenda for the upcoming 8.20.19 meeting:
  • A discussion about the format of minutes for Council meetings.  In the past the city prepared summary form minutes.  This means a summary of key discussion points were documented along any actions taken, and the final tally of any vote.  Recently the city moved to what is called Action style minutes where only the final vote of any action is recorded and there is no summary of discussion presented in the minutes. 
  • An update on various traffic and pedestrian safety efforts that have been taken since I requested this item at the 5.17.19 meeting.  At the previous meeting there were several informational inquiries about potential actions the city could take and there will be an update on some of those items.
  • A proposal to form a land use sub-committee in order to provide developers and staff more comprehensive and timely feedback on ongoing land use matters, including setting land use policies.  This sub-committee is proposed to be comprised of four individuals: two City Councilmembers appointed by the Mayor, and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission.

One other item on the consent calendar is an approval of a bid for renovation and rebuild of some of the downtown planter boxes.

If you have any thoughts or questions on any of these items, please comment or contact me and I'll do my best to respond or find out more and report back.