There is only one item being discussed at the next meeting and that is the schedule of meetings during the summer. Typically we look at people's availability and cancel meetings during the summer if there aren't pressing matters and folks may be absent.
There are a few other items for future meetings that are not our regular 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month that I'd like to call attention to:
5/23 - Budget/Audit Committee meeting to go over first pass of next year's budget and review current year actuals. The subcommittee meeting will not be streamed but people are welcome to attend. It will be at 3pm.
5/31 - Special meeting to review the first draft of the updated housing element. This meeting will be at 6pm.
There may also be a future meeting on 6/23 to discuss feedback received from the 5/21 meeting, but this one is not yet confirmed. There may also be a meeting 6/16 but that will be as needed so not yet confirmed.
If you have any thoughts or questions on the above, please let me know.