Since we cancelled our last meeting, it's been a while since my last meeting update. I'll continue to do so throughout the campaign, along with other campaign updates. Please stay tuned.
There are a few significant items we will discuss at our next meeting:
- As part of the consent calendar, we will be discussing extending our current contract with Republic Services for waste management so that negotiations for a new contract can take place. The current contract has been in place since Aug-2011, and is set to expire at the end of 2022. With over a ten year term, it's unfortunate we haven't been able to start negotiations so it could be in place more timely, but hopefully a six month extension will be sufficient to ensure we negotiate in the best interests of our residents.
- We will be having a first reading of an ordinance establishing a new Community Facilities District (like an HOA) for the new development, Diablo Meadows, at the southern end of Mitchell Canyon Rd.
- We will be discussing placement of plaques in memory of Braden Fahey at the Grove Park and the Clayton Community Park.
- We will discuss the preliminary design concept for the Complete Streets Feasibility Study on Pine Hollow Rd. as a joint project with the City of Concord.
- We will discuss feedback to provide Clayton's TRANSPAC representative regarding designation of Marsh Creek Rd and Clayton Rd as Routes of Regional Significance. One impact of this designation would be increased regional pressure to provide improved connectivity and reduced travel times along these streets, likely increasing traffic volumes that use Clayton as a pass through from East County.
- We will discuss the request from CEMEX to provide a letter of support for their Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment that is before Contra Costa County.
If you have any thoughts or questions on the above, please let me know.