With the election just four days away, I hope everyone has had a chance to read all the facts and make an informed choice. That's been the push for my whole campaign - a fact based presentation of evidence and clearly stating my positions so voters can decide. As a reminder, I published a summary of the facts of this election here: http://www.jeffwanforclaytoncitycouncil.net/2018/10/lets-gather-all-facts.html
As of last week, I gave out the last of my signs that I ordered. I even pulled one from my yard to give to another supporter. Well worth it! Here is how it all ended up:
Thank you to everyone who agreed to display a sign in your yard! And since the campaign is nearly over, I'd thought I'd share one more thing that I found interesting (I'm a bit of a data nerd):
Here is a display of website traffic over the last month. You can really see the growth when the ballots were received. This is great because people were seeking out information.
Hope to see everyone at Ed's on Tuesday night starting around 6pm.