There are a couple significant items on the agenda at the next meeting 11.16.21:
- We will be discussing an initial program to distribute ARPA funds. These funds are being distributed to Clayton in two equal tranches totaling approximately $2.9M. The first tranche has been received and the second will be received in the first half of 2022. At our previous meeting, we asked our consultants to come back with a proposal that reflected a focus on assisting those businesses in Clayton that have been impacted by COVID-19.
- The proposal that we will be discussing includes allocating approximately 75% of funds towards business grants, and 25% towards household assistance (for households below 50 of Contra Costa County area median income). There would be an application process, and a few criteria that would need to be satisfied. Included in the proposal is a provision that funds would be distributed on a first come first served basis.
- We will also be discussing updating our purchasing policy to relax some competitive bidding requirements for smaller scale projects. Currently any project over $5,000 is required to go through a competitive bidding process. For smaller scale work, this longer process acts as a deterrent to contractors who may be qualified to do the work. The city is seeking to modify when a competitive bidding process would be required to those projects that exceed $60,000 consistent with state law that provides for this change.
If you have any questions or thoughts about the above, please let me know.