There are two meetings this week - The first is a Budget/Audit subcommitee meeting today, and tomorrow's regularly scheduled Council meeting.
Budget/Audit Subcommitee 3.14.22:
- We will be discussing the Accounting Action Plan to address the prior year audit findings
- We will be receiving a presentation regarding ClearGov budgeting software
- We will be discussing the mid year budget presentation
All of these items will be considered for recommending to be sent to the full Council.
Council Meeting 3.15.22:
There are a few significant items on the agenda:
- Discuss the Accounting Action Plan to address the prior year audit findings
- Discuss the ClearGov budgeting software and whether to appropriate funds to purchase and implement
- Discuss the mid year budget review and authorize the establishment of a separate fund to track these monies
- Adopt resolution to engage a new City Engineer
- Discuss an update on the CEMEX Land Use Permit Revision Application pertaining to the Clayton Quarry Reclamation Plan
If you have any thoughts or questions on these items, please let me know.