Monday, February 3, 2025

Upcoming 2.4.25 Meeting

On Tuesday the Council will meet to discuss several significant items:

- Earlier in the evening at 6:30 we will be conducting interviews for one open Planning Commissioner seat.

- We will discuss an update to our agreement with UBS Financial.  UBS Financial is one of the firms that the City engages to invest reserves.  There is a proposal to engage UBS for a more managed service in order to achieve higher returns on our investments.

- We will then discuss appointing one person from the earlier interviews for the open Planning Commissioner seat.

- We will discuss whether to create an ad hoc committee to facilitate a governance training workshop.

- We will discuss whether to authorize the City Manager to negotiate with Three Putt Development (the Company that manages Oakhurst Country Club) for the potential sale of certain surplus land that the City owns.

- We will discuss the road striping of Mountaire Parkway.  We previously discussed a potential road diet (reducing the number of lanes) at our 5.7.24 meeting and since then our City Engineer has done additional work to bring proposals forward.

If you have any thoughts or questions on the above please let me know.