The good news today is that SB50 has been tabled until 2020 by the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Previously I wrote about the CASA Compact, and it's journey through the state legislature. One of the more troubling aspects of the Compact was upzoning near transit and job rich areas - this was represented by SB50. In addition to greater density, higher structures, and reduced parking requirements, this bill would have essentially eliminated single family zoning across the state by allowing up to fourplexes everywhere.
Of course the bill could be reintroduced next year, and it's unknown if Senator Weiner would seek to take away even more local control impacting the character and value of our neighborhoods, but for now this bill has been set aside. There are many many more housing bills currently in the legislature that could negatively impact Clayton.
I drafted a letter in response on behalf of the city. At our last meeting, the Council agreed to send this letter in response to the CASA Compact, including our general principles and things that we are opposed to - such as SB50. Here is the signed letter: