- While the City of Clayton owns its sanitary sewer system, we contract with the City of Concord to perform certain maintenance activities. In turn, the City of Concord contracts with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for their proportionate share of maintenance, operation, and capital improvement costs. Based on recent analysis, a rate increase is necessary to adequately fund these activities. The current proposal is an increase to the minimum sewer charges of $45 per year in each of the next four years, combined with additional lesser corresponding charges.
- Adopting the FY20 City of Clayton budget. The budget sub committee (myself and Councilmember Diaz) met on on April 23 to review the proposed budget. This item is for the full Council to approve the budget. This year's budget reflects an overall tighter operating surplus of approximately $40K. The general fund budget reflects expenditures of just south of $4.8M, half of which is related to our police force which has been relatively consistent year over year.
- The second reading of the small cell wireless ordinance that was discussed at the last meeting.
If you have any thoughts or questions on any of these items, please comment or contact me and I'll do my best to respond or find out more and report back.