- A discussion about pedestrian safety enhancements near our schools. I had requested this as a previous action item at the 4.2.19 meeting and the Council discussed a number of items at the 5.7.19 meeting. At that time the Council directed staff to pursue a number of options and to report back periodically on progress. There are four main prongs that are being advanced currently - updating striping and replacing certain pavement dots to enhance visibility near the elementary school, interactive stop signs near the elementary school, a pedestrian scramble style intersection near the middle school, and advanced warning lights near the middle school.
- A discussion about the roles and responsibility of the Trails and Landscape Committee (TLC). After the TLC shed several members, I thought it would be a prudent time to discuss the role of this group as envisioned by the ballot initiatives approved by Clayton residents.
If you have any thoughts or questions about any of these items please comment or contact me and I'll do my best to respond or find out more and report back.