Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Upcoming Council Meeting 3.3.20

There is only one significant item on the agenda for the next Council meeting and that is the continued hearing of the appeals regarding the Olivia Project.  At the last meeting there were several questions posed to staff and the remainder of the hearing was continued until this next meeting.

With two Planning Commission meetings held that by all accounts were well attended, and a previous meeting at Council that was also well attended, this item clearly has a lot of public interest. I encourage people to come to the meeting and share their thoughts during public comment, and to be patient and civil.

If you have any thoughts or questions about this item please comment or contact me and I'll do my best to respond or find out more and report back.

Update: I had a typo in the title, the date of the meeting is actually Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 7pm in Hoyer Hall