- Discussion of various methods of traffic calming on the streets that were slated for speed limit increases. Last meeting the Council did not accept the traffic survey of these three stretches (it was four, but two of them were the same street back to back so effectively three). As a result, we asked staff to come back with options that we could undertake that would allow us to not increase the speed limit. In addition to education and enforcement, there may be various physical changes that can be made that would reduce speeds. Background on why this is important and how this impacts the speed limits we are able to set is in a previous post, here.
Some of the physical changes include road narrowing, speed feedback signs being installed, road striping, increased number of speed limit signs, etc. Each option has an associated cost, as well as the resurveying of traffic after any changes are made.
- We will also discuss a proclamation declaring Sept 15 - Oct 15 Hispanic Heritage Month
In addition to these agenda items, as I mentioned previously for each meeting from now till the election in November, each candidate will have an opportunity to speak for up to 3 minutes so that the community may better get to know them. This will be towards the beginning of the meeting.
If you have any questions or comments about the above, please let me know. Also, if you'd like to receive updates by email, you can sign up here.