There is one significant item on the agenda the next meeting and that is to discuss traffic and pedestrian safety around Kelok Way. Recently there was a vehicle vs. pedestrian accident and there have long been concerns from residents in the area regarding vehicle speeds and inappropriate conduct at the top of Kelok Way that impact quality of life and overall safety.
The staff report discusses 11potential items for discussion:- A fence to lower the the draw to the area as a view spot
- Continue with the red painted curb to dissuade parking at the location in question
- Install physical barricades to prevent vehicles from gathering in the location in question
- Install speed bumps along Keller Ridge and Kelok Way to discourage excessive speed
- Install speed limit radar feedback signs
- Install flashing stop signs where stop signs already exist
- A permit parking program on Kelok Way
- A gate on Keller Ridge Dr to restrict access
- An ordinance prohibiting loitering
- Radar speed cameras similar to red light cameras to issue citations
- Surveillance and/or license plate readers
Staff was neutral on items 1-6, and would not recommend options 7-11. Each may be discussed at the next council meeting.
If you have questions or thoughts on any of the above, please let me know.