Tonight, the Council took action on several items:
- The Council voted to appoint 1 new Planning Commissioner, Justin Cesarin, and reappoint Ed Miller to fill two vacant spots. The vote was 3-2 with myself and Councilmember Diaz voting no.
- We chose to cancel two regularly scheduled meetings which is typical in the summer months. We chose the two meetings that immediately follow holidays. The July 6 and September 7 meetings are cancelled.
- We adopted a resolution to fly a Pride flag at the three city flagpoles throughout the month of June each year going forward. Last year when the Council first agreed to raise the Pride flag, I voted in favor. I will reiterate comments I made last year: LGBTQ rights are civil rights. I support all civil rights. Issuing a proclamation and raising a flag is the smallest of gestures, but these gestures could go a long way to communicating a message of inclusiveness that all members of our community are welcome and I'm glad to do it.
And while the question of marriage has been answered in this country, treatment of LGBTQ community members still has distance to go. Raising the Pride Flag is a small step towards making sure that every member of our community is treated with dignity. - We authorized a letter to be sent in favor of using County Measure X funds towards development of a comprehensive system where anyone in Contra Costa County can access timely and appropriate behavioral health crisis care anywhere at any time similar to a 911 emergency call system.
- We recommended that the proposed budget be brought back for adoption at a scheduled special meeting on June 29. Discussion about the larger looming structural deficits will take place later in the year after this year's budget is approved.
I'm glad to see that inclusion of a crossing guard in front of Mt. Diablo Elementary, and funding of city owned dog park maintenance were included in the operating budget. I had advocated for both of these items. The crossing guard was at the request and urging of parents and the Mt. Diablo Elementary PFC to increase safety for our youngest students. The city owns the dog park, however a significant amount of maintenance is performed by a local non-profit, the Clayton K-9 Association and through volunteers from local Boy Scout Troop 484. These groups will still be involved in volunteering and assisting I'm sure, however the small cost of maintenance will be assumed by the city. This is appropriate as the dog park is owned by the city and is maintained as a benefit for all of our community. - The GHAD also met to approve annual CPI based tax assessment increases which it does each year. Assessments are sufficiently low that the GHAD is primarily used for monitoring. If there were serious issues discovered through that monitoring, another funding source would likely be needed for any substantive actions to be taken.
- There was also a closed session regarding labor negotiations with the Clayton Police Officers Association. No reportable action from that closed session.