- During the 10.15.19 meeting, I requested that we create a policy on IT asset refreshes. Currently city staff is working with antiquated equipment and technology solutions. As there is no refresh policy, staff could potentially be working with hardware and software that is more than a decade old. In today's environment, that is a significant burden to efficiency, and has the potential to impact other areas like document retention and California Public Records Act (CPRA) requests.
- During the 12.3.19 meeting, I requested that we consider looking at the zoning of various properties around town to ensure they are more consistent with the expectations of our residents. Given we are in a RHNA surplus, we have a window of opportunity to do so without running afoul of CA's No Net Loss restrictions on available housing units. This chance may evaporate if we don't act quickly.
- During the 12.17.19 meeting, I reitterated my request from 7.16.19 to capture and report on the activity of the Geological Hazard Abatement District (GHAD), along with information about what is included to assist in transparency to the public.
I look forward to discussing each of these items in the upcoming year. If there are additional items you wish to see on the Agenda, please reach out and let me know. Any Council member can make a request for future agenda items to be discussed.
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