The first meeting was an urgency meeting. The two significant actions were as follows:
- Declared a Local Emergency. This allows the city to qualify for certain FEMA and other state and federal relief that may later be available as reimbursements. We will review the status of the Local Emergency at least once every 60 days with the intent to terminate this declaration as soon as possible.
- Authorized the City Manager to approve financial demands of the city during the Local Emergency. Normally payments over a certain dollar amount need to be approved by the Council. We typically do this as a consent calendar item. Given there may be challenges in meeting, we wanted to allow the city to conduct normal operations easier. We will continue to review and disclose detailed spending.
Both actions were supported unanimously. The County has put out a site with good updates on the COVID-19 virus here:
The second meeting was the regularly scheduled meeting. There were only consent calendar items of which one was:
- Supporting asking CA State University System to locate a new and larger campus within the Concord Naval Weapons Station Project.