Friday, March 13, 2020

Upcoming Council Meeting 3.17.20

Governor Newsom issued an executive order yesterday in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

#11 at the bottom of the link above talks about public meetings, including our Council meetings. In summary, some of the more stringent requirements regarding electronic meetings have been relaxed while still trying to adhere to the spirit of public meetings.

As a result of this, we will be trying something new for the upcoming 3.17.20 meeting. Some councilmembers and staff will be on the meeting via phone, while still allowing anyone an opportunity to offer public comment via phone in a designated spot.

The meeting will actually be held in the 3rd floor conference room in City Hall. This will most likely be limited staff on site, with a phone to participate in person. I recommend people follow CDC and local health officials guidance when attending events. Other ways to participate in the meeting as follows:
  1. E-mail public comments to City Clerk, Ms. Janet Calderon at:
  2. Send public comments as a “Personal Message to the City’s Facebook Page @CityofClaytonCA 
  3. Livestream online on the City of Clayton, CA Youtube page. Link: 
The public is encouraged to submit comments in writing. All comments received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday March 17, 2020 will be provided to the City Council.