When a matter of larger significance came before the Planning Commission, that of restricting people's speech with the unconstitutional sign ordinance that the Council suggested, Mr. Wolfe voted unanimously with the rest of the Planning Commission 5-0 to adopt it. There was no showing of understanding of the issue that Mr. Wolfe was voting on. Of course we now know that this sign ordinance was not defensible as the City Manager has declared it will no longer be enforced.
A mere 17 meetings over 2 years does not lend itself to experience in executive decision making - a primary role of the City Council. He will state repeatedly that he was a Creative Director for a major corporation - but with that there are also no details on how that experience is relevant to the position he seeks.
Also important to consider is that Mr. Wolfe is trying to take the same path that many Councilmembers before him took. Appointed by the City Council to the Planning Commission, then later taking a seat alongside those who appointed them. This is the path that Mayor Haydon took. Also Councilmember Catalano, and Councilmember Diaz. That's not experience, that is more of the same where the Council picks their successors.
My experience however, is laid out here: http://www.jeffwanforclaytoncitycouncil.net/2018/10/lets-talk-about-experience.html
I was a governmental auditor focusing on cities, counties, and transit authorities. I’ve been in senior management at various large enterprises for nearly 20 years charged with executing strategic direction. I write clearly about the positions I take on many key issues. In my professional capacity I act as a subject matter expert charged with ensuring my company follows the proper accounting, financial reporting, and regulatory rules in a highly regulated environment. That we do the right thing even when it's difficult. It takes clear communication, and a willingness to stand up for your convictions – actual leadership.